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N.I.M.A. Surgical Society Installation
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National Integrated Medical Association
National Integrated Medical Association is the largest organization representing institutionally qualified ISM graduates who have undergone a conjoint study of Ayurveda / Unani and Allopathic systems of medicine from the institutions recognized by CCIM (Central Council of Indian Medicine). Integrated system of medicine means a conjoint study, training and practice in indigenous medicine and modern medicine.
N.I.M.A. was established in Delhi on 13th April 1948 (78 years ago) to achieve the honour , dignity and to uphold the interests of integrated Medical practitioners and to promote integrated Medical education and practices. N.I.M.A. has been working tirelessly to protect the rights of ISM graduates since its inception.
The ISM graduates are the backbone of the Country’s health. It has been advocated by UNICEF and WHO to have the services of this long chain of Integrated Doctors practicing throughout the country in rural and urban areas for solving the health problems of this large continent. N.I.M.A. has always been actively participating in National Health Programs i.e Pulse Polio Program, against female foeticide, prevention of blindness, eradication of tuberculosis under RNTCP and educating General public against drug addiction.
With an en-compassing vision N.I.M.A. has set its own pace for growth and progress, which could set it, scale more pristine heights in future.
N.I.M.A. History
The National Integrated Medical Association (N.I.M.A.) is an Indian non-governmental organization established in 1948. Integrated medical education was started nearly 75 years ago, and though the graduates coming out of these courses proved very successful practitioners ideal for the conditions of this country, the vested interests from both modern medical and pure Ayurved camps, misguided the authorities and created various problems for integrated practitioners from the very beginning. Gradually the integrated medical community started organising itself to face the problems in an organised manner.
All India Conference
The first major attempt was of the establishment of National Medical Association of India in 1947, which soon spread its activities in northern states of the country. From 1953 onwards other Associations of Integrated practitioners were established in the states of Bombay,Mysore, and Madras, etc., with the names as Bombay State Integrated Medical Association (later Maharashtra State Integrated Medical Association and Gujrat State Integrated Medical Association), Integrated Associations of Mysore, etc. The attempt to bring all these associations together, materialised in 1966 at 5th AIC of N.I.M.A. Conference under the Presidentship of Dr Panna Lal Varshney and at the 7th All India Conference of N.I.M.A. held at Bhopal on 1.2.1969 the Constitution of the National Integrated Medical Association was adopted and thus N.I.M.A. was born.
First Meeting
The first meeting of the N.I.M.A. Central Council was held at Delhi on 6.4.1969 which elected Dr P.N.Awasthi (Bombay) as the president and Dr.K.S.Potdar (Delhi) as the General Secretary of N.I.M.A..
The Association was registered under the societies Registration Act and Public Trust Act in 1971.
Today N.I.M.A. is the only all India organisation of the institutionally trained and qualified practitioners of Indian Systems of Medicine, who have undergone the conjoint study of Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and modern ("Western") medicine, for a period of at least four years after Inter Science or XIIth std (10 + 2 years education). The Association has well organised branches in 17 states and in union territories of Delhi and Chandigarh.
Three tier system of N.I.M.A.
The Association has a three tier system in its working
i) Local/District Branch.
ii) State Branches/Territorial Branches.
iii) Central Council.
i) Minimum 11 eligible integrated practitioners from any town/city/area can come together and function locally as per the Constitution of N.I.M.A..
ii) All Local/District Branches in a state form a State Branch of N.I.M.A., which is governed by its state council. Local Branch Managing Committees send their representatives in proportion to the number of their members to the State Council. The State Council meets twice a year, elect its Office Bearers and carries out its duties for the entire State. The details regarding the working of the Local/District Branch and State Branches can be seen in the booklet of By-Laws of N.I.M.A..
iii) The Central Council is formed by the representatives coming from all the State Councils every year. In proportion to their membership strength. The state Secretary is necessarily the first representative of the State Branch on the Central Council. The Central Council is the important body in which are vested the general control, management and direction of policy of the Association. The central council in its annual meeting elects the Central Office bearers who form the Executive Committee of N.I.M.A. which executes the programme laid down by the Central Council.
To bring financial stability and to have labour of workers on enrolments of annual members, the Association has laid stress on enrolling maximim life members. The life membership subscription is kept in long term fixed deposit in a Nationalised Bank and the annual interest accrued on it is distributed. The Association has opened Associate Membership for non integrated qualified practitioners who believe in integration. The Association year for Branches is from 1 October to 30 September.
N.I.M.A. Objectives
The National Intregrated Medical Associated was established at Delhi on 14 th April 1948. N.I.M.A. was established to protect the rights of ISM graduates. Another important aim of the Association was to achieve the status for Intregrated Medicine as the National Medicine of India by creating and consolidating public opinion in favour of Intregrated Medicine. What has the Association achieved so far? The first 20 years were spent in spreading the organization in different parts of the country and to solve local problems of practitioners. IT was at the time of discussion of IMHCC Bill 1968 in the Parliament that the movement got consolidated. For amendments in the Bill the N.I.M.A. prepared a detailed Memorandum and undertook a campaign to meet 400 MPs at Delhi explaining to them the necessity of amending the Bill. The Association representatives appeared before the Joint Select Committee of Parliament and advocated the cause of Intregrated Medicine and its graduates. As a result of these efforts a number of MPs from all political parties supported the demands of N.I.M.A. and some important amendments were adopted while on some amendments the Hon. Health Minister Shri K. K. shah assured that they will be done ‘under Rule-making Power’. It was revealed later that separate schedule for Intregrated practitioners and clear safeguard of right to practice modern medicine cannot be done under Rule-making Power. The Minister had deceived his own colleagues by that assurance. If these amendments were adopted in 1969-70 Intregrated graduates would have enjoyed better status and privileges for ever.
The tweleve-year long struggle in Supreme Court lead by N.I.M.A. for safeguarding the rights of Intregrated medical practitioners is another creditable achievements for N.I.M.A.. The N.I.M.A. has also succeeded in getting the Status Acts in Delhi, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Punjab, MP etc.amended to uphold the dignity and rights of intregrated practitioners. It must also be remembered that Drug Rule 2 (ee) (iii) under which ISM Practitioners are permitted by State Govts. to pratice Modern. Medicine was in corporated because of the efforts of N.I.M.A..
The N.I.M.A. has continually strived to get status for integrated graduates in State Govt. and Municipal Medical Services. It appeared and argued before Pay Commisions to get better scales for intregrated graduates. It organized teachers Associations in ISM Colleges and fought for rise in their pay-scales. So, whether an intregrated graduate is in practise or in service or in teaching, N.I.M.A. has held its umbrella for all of them and protected them.
Unfortunately the general practitioners, who are the mainstay of N.I.M.A., get organized only when there is a calamity and get disorganized as soon as it is over. Hence its is forgotten that the aim of the Association is to established Intregrated Medicine as the National Medicine of India. The whole world is turning towards Ayurved and holistic medicine. In USA popular, so also in UK, Hungry, Russia, Germany, Italy, Argentina, Australia and South Africa etc. China has successfully implemented the programme of Intregrated Medicine. Our Health Minister supports Intregrated Medicine and is keen to introduce Ayurvedic subjects in the curriculum of Modern Medical Colleges. The N.I.M.A. has to take lead now and make every efforts to establish Intregrated Medicine as the National Medicine of India.
This is the most opportune time for N.I.M.A. to get rejuvenated and invigorated for fulfilling its aims and objects. What should be this rejuvenation programme?
- Get stronger with 100% enrollment of members. Every member should enroll at least 2 new life members.
- Every member should be a regular subscriber of JN.I.M.A. by paying at least Rs. 500/- for 5 years’ subscription.
- Make N.I.M.A. Students Forums in all ISM Colleges stronger.
- Hold one-day workshops at Taluka level educating every member and worker about the aims and objects of N.I.M.A., legal rights of Intregrated graduates, importance of medico social projects etc.
- Increasing personal contacts with the media and representative of people – the MLA, MP etc. and acquainting them with the importance of Intregrated Medicine and the amendments needed in the state and IMCC Act for proper protection of Intrgrated graduates.
- Writing regular articles in newspapers and periodicals on importance of Integrated medicine and way to achieve it.
Let us fulfill this minimum programme as early as possible to make it stronger to
protect you better and for better healthcare of common man in India.
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